Facebook Ads Optimization Checklist - 2024

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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Facebook Ads remain one of the most powerful tools for e-commerce, and this Optimization Checklist is here to help you make the most of them. Dive into this blog, which covers everything from targeting the perfect audience and refreshing your creative assets to fine-tuning your ad copy and integrating AI tools into your e-commerce strategy.

Facebook Ads Optimization Checklist - 2024


Facebook continues to be the top social media platform, with around three billion people using it every month. For advertisers, this makes Facebook a goldmine for reaching a vast audience and connecting with more potential customers.

And when it comes to Shopify & e-commerce realm, Facebook Ads are a powerful tool.

But like any tool, they’re only as good as the way you use them. It’s easy to throw money at ads and hope for the best, but without regular optimization, you might end up just annoying people instead of attracting them. To make sure your Facebook Ads are hitting the mark, here's a checklist that will help you get the most out of your campaigns.

1. Understand Your Audience

Let’s start with the basics: Who are you talking to? If your ads aren’t reaching the right people (and of course at the right time), all the creative and copywriting in the world won’t save you.

So, the first lesson is that: take time to refine your custom audiences. Are you showing ads to people who are genuinely interested in what you offer? Or are you wasting views on people who’ll just scroll past? If so, updating lookalike audiences and excluding irrelevant groups can make a big difference.

Quick Tip

If you’re a local business, make sure your ads are targeting people in your area. This is a cliche example, but I have to give it to express myself. There’s no point in a Seattle ski shop advertising to someone in Miami, right?

If you think that Facebook Ads require a significant investment of time and budget for precise targeting, you're wrong. AI Ads offers advanced targeting options that allow you to target audiences based on age, location, gender, online behavior, demographics, and many other criteria.

We'll get into the necessary details about targeting with AI later in the article, but for now, let's dive into the topic of creative assets.

2. Refresh Your Creative Assets

Ad blindness is real. Think about your own experience as a browser. People get tired of seeing the same types of ads over and over again. This is where rotating ad creatives come in. Experiment with different formats—maybe try a video instead of a static image, or switch up your color scheme. The goal is to keep your audience engaged and curious, not bored and uninterested.

Quick Tip

AI Creatives will make the process of rotating creatives easier for you. Let's take a look at what AI-powered Ad Creatives are and how they function:

A modern black bottle showcased on a simple white background. The AI powered ad creative emphasizes a stylish product catalog design, ideal for e-commerce and Shopify discount campaigns.
  • AI takes your product images and turns them into multiple ad creatives, doing the heavy lifting for you.
  • Then it tests these ads to figure out which ones perform the best, continuously refining and optimizing them for the greatest impact.
  • It provides engaging ad designs that resonate with your customers, leading to more clicks, conversions, and ultimately, more revenue.
  • What's even better is that these AI-generated ads often achieve a higher click-through rate compared to your standard e-commerce catalog. That translates to getting more traffic and sales without increasing ad budget.
  • Instead of spending time creating and A/B testing countless ads, artificial intelligence, and machine learning handle it all for you, giving you more time to focus on other important areas of your e-commerce business and helping you concentrate on growth.

3. Fine-Tune Your Ad Copy

Words matter. From Shakespeare to SEO Copywriters.

The way you phrase your message can be the difference between a click and a scroll. Regularly review your ad copy to ensure it’s as engaging and relevant as possible. Play around with different headlines, call-to-actions (CTAs), and descriptions to find the sweet spot that gets people interested.

Quick Tip

Think about what would catch your attention as a consumer. Is your message clear? Does it make you want to learn more? If not, it’s time for a rewrite or hire a passionate content writer ^^

4. Leverage Dynamic Creative Ads

Facebook offers dynamic creative options that automatically optimize different elements of your ads based on what’s most likely to resonate with each user.

This can save you time while also ensuring your ads are as effective as possible. But remember, even with automation, a human touch is still important. Review the performance data to see if the dynamic options are truly delivering the desired results.

Quick Tip

Don’t just set it and forget it, please no. Keep an eye on how these dynamic creatives are performing and make adjustments as needed.

5. Adjust Your Budget and Bidding Strategies

Not all ads are created equal. Some will perform better than others, and that’s okay—as long as you’re keeping an eye on your budget.

Shift more of your budget towards the high-performing ads and consider pausing the ones that aren’t delivering. The same goes for your bidding strategies. Test different approaches to see which one gives you the best return on investment.

Quick Tip

Check your budget allocation weekly, especially if you’re working with a larger budget. Small tweaks can help you avoid wasting money on underperforming ads.

6. Optimize Ad Placements

From the news feed to stories…

Where your ad appears can have a big impact on its performance. Facebook offers various ad placement options, from the News Feed to Stories, and each has its strengths. Regularly review which placements are working best for you and adjust accordingly. Sometimes, a simple switch in placement can lead to significantly better results.

Quick Tip

Test new placements every now and then. You might discover that Instagram Stories, for example, drives better engagement than the Facebook News Feed.

7. Monitor and Analyze Regularly

Optimization isn’t a one-time task—it’s an ongoing process. Set a schedule for checking in on your ad performance. This doesn’t mean obsessing over numbers and key metrics every day (unless you’re working with a very large budget), but regular monitoring will help you spot trends, make timely adjustments, and keep your campaigns on track.

Quick Tip

For smaller budgets, a weekly check-in is usually sufficient. For larger campaigns, consider increasing the frequency to twice or three times a week.

Closing Remarks

Optimizing your Facebook Ads is an ongoing journey, not a destination. By regularly checking in, making adjustments, and staying curious and passionate, you’ll ensure that your ads are not only reaching the right people but also delivering the best possible results for your business.

Remember, it’s all about getting the right message in front of the right audience, and that requires a combination of strategic thinking, creativity, and continuous learning. Or, you could let AI handle the hard work while spending less than you would on traditional methods.

So, what’s your next step? Perhaps it’s time to review your current campaign status with a Free Ad Health Checkup?

To experience a flawless, splendid, marvelous Facebook Ads experience that even Shakespeare can’t fully describe, start using AI Ads today.

And start making those tweaks—your grandkids will thank you for it, especially when they're sipping champagne on their yacht.

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Scale your Shopify E-commerce with AI Ads & the World’s first AI Audience.