Unlock the next generation of paid advertising.
Discover the difference with AI Ads!
Health Checkup
- Onboarding Checklist for AI Ads
- Industrial Trend Comparison
- Facebook Ads & Google Ads Benchmarks
- Growth Strategy Meeting
per month
- Min. Ad Spend / Month: $2.000
- Up to $5.000 Monthly Ad Spend
- Full Funnel AI Campaigns on Facebook Ads
- Bi-weekly Strategy Meetings
per month
- Growth Plan Benefits +
- Up to $20.000 Monthly Ad Spend
- AI Ads on Facebook Ads & Google Ads
- Weekly Strategy Meetings
- Pro Plan Benefits +
- Custom Budget Limits
- Attribution Comparsion
- Custom Reporting
- No Revenue Fee
- Account Manager
We price you based on your growth.
See the Full Feature Comparison
Choose the Right Package to Match Your Business Needs.
Historical Ad Performance Analysis | |||||
Industrial Trend Comparison | |||||
Campaigns Efficiency Analysis | |||||
Up to Monthly Ad Budget Limit | - | $5,000 | $10,000 | $20,000 | - |
Read-to-Onboard Checklist | |||||
Ad-health Checkup Score | |||||
Setting KPIs and Growth Strategy Meeting | |||||
Full Funnel Ads Launcher on Meta (Facebook & Instagram) | |||||
Full Funnel Ads Launcher on Google | |||||
Full Funnel Ads Launcher on Tiktok | |||||
Indepth Reporting Dashboard | |||||
AI Broad Audiences | |||||
AI Lookalike Audiences | |||||
AI Remarketing Audiences | |||||
AI Budget Optimization | |||||
E-mail and Call Support | |||||
Strategy Meetings Per 14 Days | |||||
Weekly Strategy Meetings | |||||
Dedicated Account Manager | |||||
Attribution Model Comparison | |||||
CCPA Compliance | |||||
SOC2 Compliance | |||||
GDPR Compliance |
Increase in Facebook Campaign Returns
Increase in Facebook Conversion Rate
Decrease in Cost Per Result
Enhencer's AI audiences took Lacoste's remarketing to the next level, driving 90% better ROAS and cutting costs by over half. Our partnership has unlocked unmatched efficiency, reaching the most relevant customers and elevating campaign performance.
What is Enhencer AI Ads, and what services does it provide?
Enhencer AI Ads is a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to optimize digital advertising campaigns, ensuring improved performance and increased ad revenue. Its features include a Full-Funnel Ad Launcher, AI Audiences for both New Users and Remarketing campaigns, AI Creatives, and real-time performance tracking.
How does Enhencer AI Ads improve ROAS?
Enhencer AI Ads boost Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by identifying and reaching high-value audience segments. With AI-powered creative design, ads achieve higher click-through rates (CTR), increasing the likelihood of conversions. This combination of precision targeting and engaging creatives maximizes ad performance, turning each ad dollar into more revenue.
Which E-commerce Platform Enhencer AI Ads Are Compatible With?
Which Advertising Platform Enhencer AI Ads Are Compatible With?
Google Ads, Facebook & Instagram Ads, TikTok Ads, and many more in the future.
Does Enhencer AI Ads ensure the privacy and security of user data?
Enhencer AI Ads is committed to ensuring data privacy and complies with both the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Does the subscription include an account manager?
Yes, an account manager is included in the subscription, but the level of support might vary by plan.
Can Enhencer AI Ads be customized to suit my business goals?
Yes, Enhencer AI Ads offers customizable options for different goals, such as new user acquisition, remarketing, and driving sales. The platform tailors AI audience targeting and creative recommendations to match your objectives.