AI Ads for Health and Beauty E-commerce: Your Wellness Strategy

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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7 Mins

E-commerce AI


The health and beauty e-commerce market is experiencing strong growth as it adjusts to evolving consumer preferences and technological advancements. Important trends such as AI integration, personalization, sustainability, and the increasing popularity of online shopping are influencing industry standards. So, it is crucial for brands to innovate and effectively engage with their audiences in order to capture market share in 2024.

AI Ads for Health and Beauty E-commerce: Your Wellness Strategy


As more consumers turn to online platforms to discover and purchase wellness and beauty products, businesses are searching for innovative ways to distinguish themselves in a crowded market.

Yes, this is where AI-powered advertisements come into our picture.

AI Ads are not just a trend; they are becoming an essential tool for health and beauty brands looking to connect with their target audience in a more personalized and effective way. Well, I can hear you saying “How”?

Using AI, businesses can analyze consumer behavior, predict trends, and deliver highly targeted ads that perfectly pinpoint individual customers.

As we delve deeper into this blog, we’ll explore the various ways AI is reshaping health and beauty e-commerce, from personalized product recommendations to optimized ad campaigns to AI Remarketing, AI Lookalike Audiences, and AI Creatives.

I recommend that business owners of all sizes who are seeking ways to increase sales and reach a wider audience with a smaller budget on e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, WordPress, OpenCart, and others read this blog.

Let’s start with a data-driven overview of the current Health and Wellness E-commerce landscape.

Health & Beauty E-commerce 2024 Statistics and Trends

The health and beauty e-commerce sector is expected to achieve $88 billion in online sales by the end of 2024. This will constitute a significant share of the overall beauty industry, which is expected to generate a total revenue of $646.2 billion, reflecting a 3.3% increase from 2023.

The beauty and personal care industry is seeing a significant rise in online sales, which are projected to reach nearly 20% of total revenue.

The demographic of health and beauty shoppers is quite diverse.

The health and beauty shopper demographic is wide, with 70% of online shoppers purchasing health and beauty products or services at least once a month. Notably, 47.2% of these shoppers are aged between 18 and 34, while nearly 20% are 55 or older. This indicates a diverse consumer base that brands must consider while deciding on their marketing strategy.

How Can AI Improve Personalized Marketing in Health and Beauty E-commerce?

AI technology is changing the way health and beauty brands approach marketing by enabling a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. Through advanced data analysis, AI Ads can assess consumer demographics, shopping habits, and even past purchasing patterns to create highly targeted campaigns.

So, what does it tell us? Let’s look at the bigger picture.

This level of personalization ensures that marketing efforts will resonate more effectively with individual customers, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

For example, AI tools can help health and beauty brands identify which products are most popular among specific demographic groups, allowing them to tailor their advertising strategies accordingly. Better targeting translates into better ad returns. That’s the logic giving its power to the personalization with AI.

Whether it’s skincare products for a particular age group or wellness supplements for fitness enthusiasts, AI Ads can pinpoint what customers are most interested in, enabling brands to highlight the right products at the right time.

Moreover, AI-powered ads can be customized to showcase specific wellness products, making them more appealing to potential customers.

Successful AI-driven wellness product advertising strategies often involve using AI to predict what customers want next, allowing brands to stay ahead of the curve and offer products that meet emerging needs.

Incorporating AI into health and beauty marketing enhances campaigns’ effectiveness and fosters a more personalized shopping experience for customers.

AI Ads for Shopify: A 3-Step Tutorial

The secret to Shopify success is simple: reach the right people, at the right time, in the right way. And this section will guide you on how to do that.

As we've extensively covered in our blog series exploring Shopify Summer Edition 2024, AI Ads is becoming an indispensable tool for Shopify store owners looking to boost their health and beauty online sales.

By leveraging AI-powered features such as remarketing, lookalike audiences, and AI creatives, businesses can reach their target audience more effectively and increase their sales. Here’s how these AI tools work and why they matter.

1. How to Re-engage Your Potential Customers with AI Remarketing?

AI Remarketing (a.k.a AI retargeting - I’ll use these two interchangeably) is a powerful technique that allows businesses to reconnect with customers who have previously shown interest in their products but haven’t made a purchase.

By using AI retargeting, Shopify stores can automatically track customer behavior, such as browsing history or items left in a shopping cart, and then deliver personalized ads that remind these potential buyers of what they left behind.

This reminder often encourages customers to return and complete their purchases, leading to higher conversion rates and increased online sales. Today we know that 70% of online shoppers abandon their carts. This means that out of every 100 people who add items to their cart, only about 30 complete their purchase. At that point, retargeting can double website traffic and sales by reminding people who were interested in your products to buy them.

2. How to Find New Customers with AI Lookalike Audiences?

AI lookalike audiences help e-commerce stores find new customers who share similar characteristics with their existing best customers.

AI analyzes the behavior of your current customers—such as their interests, buying habits, and demographics—and identifies new potential customers who are likely to be interested in your health and beauty products. This targeted approach ensures that your ads reach people who are more likely to engage with your brand, making your marketing efforts more efficient and effective.

By using AI Ads to identify and target lookalike audiences, Shopify & e-commerce stores can expect to see significant improvements in key performance indicators. Here’s how:

  • For instance, you may notice a higher click-through rate (CTR) as your ads are shown to individuals who are already inclined to be interested in your products.

  • Additionally, conversion rates could see a boost, as these targeted customers are more likely to make a purchase.

  • Over time, this strategy can also lead to a lower customer acquisition cost (CAC) since your ads are more precisely targeted, reducing wasted ad spend and maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

  • Ultimately, with AI lookalike audiences, your marketing efforts become not just more efficient but also more impactful, driving sustained growth in your health and beauty e-commerce business.

What's more, you can actually measure and track the success of your AI Ads campaign with all of these performance indicators, making it tangible. If you don't know the current status of your e-commerce advertising campaigns and want to get free expert advice on how to improve them (and why wouldn’t you?), you can try our ad-health checkup now.

3. How to Generate Eye-Catching Ads with AI Creatives?

By analyzing what types of creatives resonate most with your audience, AI Creatives can automatically transform your ads that are optimized for engagement. For health and beauty brands, this means creating visually appealing ads that highlight product benefits in a way that captures attention and encourages clicks.

Whether it’s a stunning image of a skincare product or a compelling video (coming soon) showcasing a wellness routine, AI Creatives help ensure your ads not only look good but also perform well. It means they boost your style and sales at the same time.

By incorporating AI remarketing, AI lookalike audiences, and AI creatives into their marketing strategies, Shopify & e-commerce store owners in the health and beauty sector can significantly increase their online sales. AI Ads not only help attract new customers but also keep existing ones engaged, leading to a more successful and sustainable e-commerce business.

Why AI Ads Are Especially Crucial for Health and Beauty Industry?

  1. Deep Personalization: AI ads excel at understanding individual consumer preferences, analyzing past purchases and browsing behavior to create highly personalized ad experiences. This not only boosts conversion rates but also enhances customer satisfaction by making ads feel more relevant.

  2. Enhanced Product Discovery: AI tools predict which products will appeal most to specific customer segments, helping businesses showcase items that might otherwise go unnoticed, thereby boosting sales and fostering brand loyalty.

  3. Improved Customer Retention: The health and beauty industry often relies on repeat purchases, whether it’s a favorite skincare product or a monthly wellness subscription. AI-powered remarketing re-engages customers by reminding them of products they’ve shown interest in, increasing repeat purchases, and strengthening customer relationships.

  4. Efficient Resource Allocation: AI ads optimize campaigns in real-time, ensuring that marketing dollars are spent effectively, reducing waste, and maximizing ROI, which is crucial in the competitive health and beauty market.

  5. Visual Appeal and Creativity: AI creatives analyze which visual elements resonate most with audiences, automatically generating ads that capture attention and drive engagement, ensuring ads are both visually stunning and effective.

  6. Adaptability to Trends: AI tools quickly adapt to industry trends by analyzing real-time data, ensuring that brands stay relevant and ahead of the curve in the fast-paced health and beauty industry.


free ad health checkup for your e-commerce

By providing deep personalization, enhancing product discovery, and improving customer retention, AI Ads not only boost sales but also strengthen customer relationships.

The ability to efficiently allocate resources, create visually appealing ads, and adapt quickly to industry trends further underscores the importance of AI Ads in this space. For Shopify and other e-commerce store owners, integrating AI into online sales strategy is not just an option—it’s a crucial step toward ensuring long-term success in the health and beauty industry.

Ready to elevate your health and beauty brand with AI?

Start exploring AI-powered marketing solutions today and see the difference it can make for your business.

Scale your Shopify E-commerce with AI Ads & the World’s first AI Audience.