10 Possible Causes of Low Conversion Rates in E-commerce Stores

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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12 Mins

E-commerce AI


Is your e-commerce store struggling with low conversion rates? Discover how to fix common issues like slow-loading pages, complicated checkout processes, and lack of trust. Apply these solutions to your Shopify store and start turning more visitors into customers without losing sales.

10 Possible Causes of Low Conversion Rates in E-commerce Stores


If you’re running an e-commerce store and finding that your conversion rates aren’t quite where you’d like them to be, you’re definitely not alone. Simply put, your conversion rate shows how many visitors are taking the plunge and making a purchase. So, when the conversion rate is low, it can feel like you’re pouring effort and resources into a leaky bucket. Let’s review the answer to the question 'How to calculate conversion rate' together.

CTR formula showing how to calculate the conversion rate for marketing

In this blog, we’re going to dig into ten common issues that might be causing those low conversion rates. From slow-loading pages to unclear calls-to-action, we’ll break down each problem and offer practical advice on how to fix conversion issues.

By the end, you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s going wrong and how you can start seeing better results. Here are the primary ten reasons behind low conversion rates.

  1. Slow Loading Times
  2. Poor Mobile Optimization
  3. Complicated Checkout Process
  4. Lack of Trust Signals
  5. Unclear Call-to-Actions (CTAs)
  6. High Shipping Costs
  7. Inadequate Product Information
  8. Poor Site Navigation
  9. Ineffective Product Search
  10. Ineffective Marketing Strategies

1) The Impact of Slow Loading Times on E-commerce Conversion Rates

We’ve all been there—waiting for a website to load while we're excited to check out a new product. It’s not just annoying; it can seriously hurt an e-commerce store’s performance.

Slow-loading pages can drive potential customers away faster than you can say “bounce rate.” When users have to wait too long for a site to load, they’re likely to get frustrated and leave, which means fewer conversions and more lost sales.

To address this, consider these practical steps to speed up your site:

  • Optimize Images. Large, high-resolution images can be a major drag on your page’s loading speed. Use tools to compress and resize images without sacrificing quality. This makes your pages load faster and keeps visitors happy.
  • Leverage Browser Caching. Browser caching helps store certain elements of your site on a visitor’s device so they don’t have to reload everything every time they visit. Set up proper caching to speed up repeat visits.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests. Each element on your page, from images to scripts, requires an HTTP request. Reducing the number of requests by combining files and simplifying your design can help your pages load faster.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network. CDNs distribute your site’s content across various servers around the world. This means visitors get data from a server closer to them, speeding up load times.
  • Enable Compression. Enabling Gzip or other compression methods can reduce the size of your site’s files, making them quicker to download and display.

2) Why Your E-commerce Store Needs a Mobile-Friendly Design?

Mobile optimization plays a crucial role in improving e-commerce conversion rates. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile, you could be missing out on a significant portion of potential customers, directly impacting low conversion rates in online shops.

To tackle these issues and enhance your mobile usability, consider the following actionable steps:

  • Implement Responsive Design. Ensure that your site features a responsive design that adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes. This helps maintain a consistent user experience and is essential for improving how to fix low conversion rates in e-commerce businesses.
  • Simplify Navigation. On mobile devices, space is limited. Simplify your navigation by using clear, easy-to-click buttons and minimizing the number of steps required to find products and complete purchases. This improvement can significantly affect e-commerce conversion rates.
  • Optimize Page Speed. Mobile users often expect quick loading times. Enhance page speed by optimizing images, reducing the number of scripts, and using browser caching. Faster load times help address reasons for low conversion rates in online shops.
  • Ensure Touchscreen Compatibility. All interactive elements should be easy to use on a touchscreen. Make sure buttons are large enough to tap easily, and forms are user-friendly, which contributes to better how to fix low conversion rates in e-commerce businesses.
  • Prioritize Mobile Checkout. Streamline the mobile checkout process by reducing form fields and offering convenient mobile payment options. A smooth checkout experience is crucial for improving e-commerce conversion rates.

3) Streamlining Your Checkout to Boost Conversion Rates

A complex or lengthy checkout process can significantly deter potential buyers and contribute to low conversion rates. If the path to completing a purchase is confusing or time-consuming, customers may abandon their carts in frustration. This is one of the common e-commerce store issues that can directly impact your sales and overall conversion performance.

To simplify the checkout experience and address possible causes of low conversion rates in e-commerce stores, consider implementing these strategies:

  • Offer Guest Checkout Options. Allowing customers to check out without creating an account can reduce friction and speed up the purchase process. Many shoppers prefer the convenience of a guest checkout, which can help lower low conversion rates.
  • Minimize Required Fields. The fewer fields customers need to fill out, the better. Streamline your forms by only asking for essential information. This helps in reducing drop-offs during checkout and improving the user experience.
  • Enable Autofill and Save Information. Implement autofill features for returning customers and allow them to save their payment and shipping information. This can make future purchases faster and more convenient, enhancing overall e-commerce store issues resolution.
  • Provide Clear Progress Indicators. Show customers a clear, step-by-step progress indicator during checkout. This helps them understand how many steps are left and reassures them that they’re moving towards completing their purchase.
  • Optimize Mobile Checkout. Ensure your checkout process is as smooth on mobile devices as it is on desktops. A mobile-friendly checkout experience is crucial for reducing possible causes of low conversion rates in e-commerce stores and boosting sales.

4) Building Trust to Enhance E-commerce Conversion Rates

Customers need to feel secure before hitting ‘buy.’

Building trust is essential for improving e-commerce conversion rates. When customers feel secure and confident about their purchases, they are more likely to complete transactions. Trust signals such as security badges, customer reviews, and clear return policies play a crucial role in alleviating concerns and addressing common problems leading to low conversion rates in online stores.

To effectively incorporate these trust elements into your store and enhance conversion rate optimization, consider the following tips:

  • Display Security Badges. Prominently show security badges and certifications on your checkout pages. These symbols reassure customers that their payment information is protected, addressing one of the key e-commerce store issues.
  • Showcase Customer Reviews. Display authentic customer reviews and ratings on product pages. Positive reviews can build credibility and provide social proof, which is vital for improving e-commerce conversion rates.
  • Offer Clear Return Policies. Make your return and refund policies easy to find and understand. A transparent return policy can reduce buyer hesitation by ensuring customers that they can return items if needed, which helps in conversion rate optimization.
  • Include Contact Information. Provide clear and accessible contact information, such as a phone number or live chat support. This availability can reassure customers that they can get help if they encounter issues, further addressing e-commerce store issues.
  • Use Professional Design. A well-designed, professional-looking website conveys reliability. Ensure that your site’s design aligns with modern standards and reflects your brand’s credibility.

5) How Detailed Product Descriptions Can Increase Your Conversion Rates

Well-crafted product descriptions are a powerful tool for improving e-commerce conversion rates. A detailed, engaging description provides potential customers with the information they need to make informed decisions, reducing doubts and encouraging them to move forward with their purchase.

To fix low conversion rates in e-commerce businesses, follow these guidelines for writing compelling product descriptions:

  • Focus on Benefits. Highlight how the product will improve the customer’s life rather than just listing features. Customers want to know why the product matters to them, which is key to increasing e-commerce conversion rates.
  • Use High-Quality Images. Pair your descriptions with clear, professional product images that show the item from multiple angles. This helps customers visualize the product and builds confidence, aligning with strategies to improve conversion rates in e-commerce websites.
  • Include Customer Reviews. Adding authentic customer testimonials to your product pages can offer social proof and further convince visitors to complete their purchase. This can be one of the most effective strategies to improve conversion rates in e-commerce websites.
  • Keep It Clear and Concise. While being detailed, avoid overwhelming customers with too much information. Stick to the most important points that will help them make a quick decision.

6) Improving Navigation to Enhance User Experience and Conversion Rates

A poorly designed navigation system is one of the common e-commerce store issues that can lead to high bounce rates and abandoned carts. When customers struggle to find what they’re looking for, it increases frustration and significantly lowers the chances of conversion.

To address possible causes of low conversion rates in e-commerce stores, you need to ensure that your site navigation is intuitive and easy to use. Here are some key tips for improving navigation and enhancing the overall user experience:

  • Use Clear Categories. Organize your products into logical, easy-to-understand categories. Ensure that your categories and subcategories are labeled clearly, so customers can browse effortlessly. This is critical for conversion rate optimization.
  • Implement a Search Function. Offering a powerful search tool on your site can help customers quickly find specific items they’re interested in. Make sure the search bar is visible and functions effectively, as this can prevent frustration and help drive conversion rate optimization.
  • Keep the Navigation Bar Simple. Avoid overloading your navigation bar with too many links. Stick to the most essential categories and provide dropdown menus for any subcategories. Simple navigation can solve several e-commerce store issues and make the shopping process more enjoyable for customers.
  • Test for Usability. Regularly test your navigation system to ensure it’s working well on both desktop and mobile devices. Smooth navigation on all platforms can eliminate possible causes of low conversion rates in e-commerce stores.

7) Addressing Shipping Costs to Improve E-commerce Conversion Rates

One of the top reasons for low conversion rates in online shops is high or unexpected shipping costs. When customers reach the checkout page and see steep shipping fees, it often leads to cart abandonment, significantly contributing to Shopify and e-commerce's bad conversion rates.

To avoid this, consider implementing strategies to improve conversion rates in e-commerce websites by addressing shipping costs in the following ways:

  • Offer Free Shipping Thresholds. Encourage customers to spend more by offering free shipping on orders over a certain amount. This tactic not only offsets the impact of shipping costs but also increases your average order value.
  • Be Transparent About Shipping Fees. Clearly state the shipping costs upfront, preferably on product pages. Transparency reduces the likelihood of customers feeling misled or surprised by unexpected fees at checkout, helping to prevent low conversion rates.
  • Consider Alternative Shipping Options: Depending on your business model, you may want to explore different shipping solutions, like flat-rate shipping, to offer more affordable and predictable options for customers.
  • Include Shipping Costs in Promotions: Offering free or discounted shipping during seasonal sales or special promotions can provide extra incentive for customers to complete their purchases, ultimately boosting your e-commerce conversion rates.

8) Using Effective CTAs to Drive Higher Conversion Rates

A well-crafted Call-to-Action (CTA) is essential for guiding users through the buyer's journey and improving e-commerce conversion rates. When CTAs are unclear or buried within your site’s content, potential customers may feel confused about what to do next, leading to one of the common problems leading to low conversion rates in online stores.

To boost conversion rate optimization, follow these steps:

  1. Use Action-Oriented Language. CTAs should be direct and actionable. Phrases like “Buy Now,” “Get Started,” or “Add to Cart” give users clear guidance on what the next step should be.
  2. Ensure Visibility. A CTA should stand out on the page. Use contrasting colors, bold fonts, and strategically place CTAs above the fold or near key product information to ensure they’re easily noticed.
  3. Create a Sense of Urgency. Phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Only a Few Left” can encourage customers to act quickly, reducing hesitation and improving conversion rates.
  4. Test Different Variations. A/B testing different CTA placements, colors, and wording can help you find the most effective combination for maximizing your conversion rate optimization.

9) Personalizing Your E-commerce Store to Boost Conversions

Personalization is key to improving e-commerce conversion rates. Offering a generic shopping experience can result in missed opportunities and low conversion rates. By personalizing your store—such as providing product recommendations based on browsing history or sending personalized email offers—you can make your customers feel like your store is tailored just for them.

To fix low conversion rates in e-commerce businesses, consider implementing:

  • Dynamic Product Recommendations. Suggest items based on customers’ past interactions or recently viewed products.
  • Personalized Email Campaigns. Send targeted offers or reminders based on a customer's previous behavior or preferences.
  • Custom Landing Pages. Tailor landing pages to different customer segments for a more personalized experience.

10) Aligning Marketing Efforts with Conversion Goals

Even the best website can suffer from low conversion rates if the marketing strategy is ineffective. Poorly targeted campaigns or irrelevant messaging can drive traffic without conversions, ultimately affecting your bottom line. By focusing on conversion rate optimization, you can refine your marketing efforts to better align with your business goals.

To avoid e-commerce store issues caused by ineffective marketing, consider:

  1. Targeting the Right Audience. Use data to segment your audience and reach those most likely to convert.
  2. Leveraging Analytics. Continuously analyze marketing performance and adjust campaigns based on what’s working and what’s not.
  3. Testing Different Approaches. Use A/B testing for ad copy, images, and targeting to determine what resonates best with your audience.

How to Target the Right Audience with AI?

Businesses using AI Advertising tools saw up to a 30% increase in conversion rates compared to traditional methods. This remarkable improvement highlights the growing importance of using AI to reach the right audience more efficiently.

1. AI Lookalike Audiences

AI lookalike analyzes your existing customers and automatically finds new audiences that resemble them in terms of interests, behaviors, and demographics. By leveraging vast amounts of data, AI ensures you're targeting potential buyers who are more likely to convert—saving both time and ad spend.

2. AI Remarketing

AI-based remarketing tracks user interactions with your website, allowing you to re-engage visitors who didn’t make a purchase. The AI predicts the best times and formats to show personalized ads to these users, guiding them back to your store and increasing the chances of conversion.

3. AI Creatives

With AI creatives, advertisements are automatically optimized and personalized to fit each customer segment. These dynamic ads adapt based on user preferences and behaviors, ensuring the right message is delivered to the right audience at the right time. This personalization significantly enhances engagement and boosts conversion rates.


Before finishing, I recommend taking a look at the success stories of e-commerce brands that have significantly improved their conversion rates and other KPIs in a measurable and observable way using Enhencer AI Ads.

Ready to boost your conversion rates? Let's leverage the latest AI advancements in e-commerce.

By understanding the basics of conversion rates, as discussed, and staying ahead of the curve, you can increase your sales. Start running AI Ads today & book a free consultation with our Performance Marketing team to get expert advice on your current campaigns.

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