Mother's Day Advertising Analysis: What Worked & Key Metrics

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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7 Mins

E-commerce AI


Mother's Day is a perfect time for marketers of all sizes to connect with potential customers. To improve the performance of your Mother's Day ad campaigns, it's crucial to understand how to analyze key performance indicators (KPIs). This article explores key tips that will serve as a guide for measuring the success of your Mother's Day ads and boosting your e-commerce sales throughout the season.

Mother's Day Advertising Analysis: What Worked & Key Metrics

Dear readers. We're wrapping up our Mother's Day Marketing Guide for E-commerce series with a dive into analyzing the success of your marketing campaigns. Thank you for joining me on this journey! I hope your Mother's Day sales exceeded all expectations.

If you haven't read the previous blog posts or would like to revisit them, I've included the links below.

Blog 1 - 2024 Mother’s Day Marketing Strategies for E-commerce

Blog 2 - Maximizing Website Traffic for 2024 Mother’s Day Sales 

Blog 3 - Peak Timing for Mother’s Day Remarketing Success

Blog 4 - How to Allocate Your Marketing Budget for Mother's Day

Let's refresh our memory on what we brainstormed. 2024 Mother’s Day Marketing Guide for E-Commerce covered five key topics:

Why Target Mother's Day? Mother's Day is one of the most searched-for terms on Google during special occasions. This online interest makes it a prime time for marketers to connect with potential customers.

Understanding Your Target Audience. Delving into your target audience's demographics, buying behavior, and preferred communication channels is crucial for crafting effective Mother's Day campaigns.

Setting Clear and Measurable Goals. Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and smart goals to ensure your Mother's Day marketing efforts are aligned with your overall objectives.

Smart Budget Allocation. Effectively allocate your marketing budget to reach the right audience with the right message, maximizing return on investment (ROI).

Utilizing AI Ads for Budget Optimization. Leverage AI Ads to optimize your budget in real-time, ensuring your ad spend is focused on high-performing campaigns and reaching the most likely customers.

Having refreshed our minds, now let's talk about the crucial aspect of analyzing Mother's Day marketing campaign.

Analyzing Your Mother's Day Marketing Campaign

You have a wealth of data at your fingertips: numbers, metrics, graphs, ups and downs related to your Mother's Day ad performance. But what does it all mean? Did your Mother's Day marketing strategy deliver as expected, or does it require refinement and fresh perspectives?

This is where you start scaling your business. Nothing less than… key metrics. 

Because businesses that track key metrics grow 20-50% faster! 

Analyze Ad Campaign During Mother’s Day w/ Key Metrics

Website Traffic

Measure the increase in website visitors during the Mother's Day period compared to a typical period (e.g., the previous week or the same week last year). This indicates if your campaign successfully drove traffic to your website or not. 

Example: Your campaign generated a 25% increase in website traffic compared to the prior week. This suggests your ads were effective in attracting new visitors interested in Mother's Day gifts. You’re doing well in terms of maximizing website traffic!

Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is another important key performance indicator. So, track the percentage of website visitors who took a desired action, such as making a purchase (purchase conversion rate), signing up for a newsletter (email opt-in rate), or adding items to their cart (add-to-cart rate). This indicates whether your website and marketing messages were compelling enough to convert visitors into paying customers or engaged subscribers.

Example: Your Mother's Day campaign achieved a 10% purchase conversion rate, which is higher than your typical average of 5%. This suggests your campaign resonated with your audience and effectively converted website visitors into paying customers.

Average Order Value 

Analyze the average amount spent per transaction during the Mother's Day campaign. This helps you understand the overall revenue generated from each customer.

Example: Your Mother's Day campaign saw an AOV of $100, compared to your usual $65 average. This could indicate customers were purchasing more premium gifts or larger quantities for Mother's Day. Knowing customers readily open their wallets for their mother, a strong performance like this is no surprise. 

Social Media Engagement

Evaluate the level of engagement with your Mother's Day-related content on social media, including likes, comments, shares, and mentions. This shows how well your content resonated with your audience and whether it sparked conversations around your brand and Mother's Day gifting.

Example: Your Mother's Day gift guide video received 5,000 views, 300 likes, and 50 shares. This indicates good engagement with your content, potentially leading to increased brand awareness and website traffic. It’s also good indicator of brand visibility and reputation. 

Return on Investment (ROI)

The ultimate test: Did you make money? Return on Investment (ROI) shows if your marketing efforts paid off financially. Calculate the ratio of revenue generated from your Mother's Day campaign to the total cost.

Example: Say your campaign generated $8,000 in sales with a $2,000 ad spend. That's a 4x ROI, meaning your campaign was a financial success!

Further Measures of Mother’s Day Advertising Success

Viewing your Mother's Day marketing campaign as a mere two-week period would be a fallacy. Because we are talking about a time frame that has a very high probability of positively  affecting your ad performance and customer relationships even after the season is over. For this reason, professionals recommend measuring your ad performance even after marketing carnivals like Mother's Day. Below, I have listed almost everything you need to consider after your Mother's Day e-commerce marketing campaign.

Customer Feedback. Sure, sales numbers are important, but understanding your customers' experience is key in the long term! Collect feedback through surveys, reviews, and social media interactions to better understand their experience with your Mother's Day marketing efforts.

Competitor Analysis: By comparing your marketing performance with your competitors after the mother's day campaign, you can identify gaps, strengths, and areas for improvement. This information can help you refine your marketing strategy & develop more effective promotions. 

your mother's day campaign timeline

Industry Trends: Stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in Mother's Day marketing to adapt your strategies accordingly. Here are a few examples of the most recent industry trends for Mother's day e-commerce campaign: 

  • Personalization & Gifting Experiences

  • Social Commerce & Influencer Marketing

  • Sustainability & Ethical Sourcing

  • AI Ads ( How to Launch AI Ads?)

  • Omnichannel Marketing & Customer Journey Optimization

  • Emotional Resonance & Heartfelt Connections

Brand Awareness: Monitor website traffic, impressions, reach, and social media mentions to understand your campaign's impact on brand awareness. The more buzz, the more people are starting to recognize your brand! 

Click-Through Rate (CTR): Measure the percentage of viewers who clicked on your ad, indicating its effectiveness in driving website traffic. The more clicks, the more people are interested in what you have to offer!

Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated through your ad campaign for further nurturing. Because it means they're interested and want to hear more. 

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): Did they become loyal customers who return for repeat purchases? Analyze the total revenue a customer generates throughout their relationship with your brand. Customer lifetime value helps us understand the long-term benefit of keeping customers happy and calculate ROI for long-term customer relationships. 

Retention Rate: Measure the percentage of existing customers who remain active after the campaign period. A high retention rate shows you're building strong relationships with your customers and they keep coming back for more after Mother's day rush. 

Discount Code Usage: Monitor the redemption rate of any discount codes offered during the campaign. This indicates the effectiveness of the offer in driving sales. It goes beyond just seeing if people used the code, but how it influenced their purchasing behavior.

10 Questions to Evaluate Your E-Commerce Marketing Campaign Success 

Asking yourself the right questions will help you identify what worked well and what needs improvement.

  1. What was your primary goal and did you achieve them? 

  2. What is the overall cost of your campaign?

  3. How much more did you earn from the campaign compared to what you spent?

  4. How many people saw, clicked, or shared your campaign ads?

  5. Which marketing channels performed best?

  6. Which ad formats and targeting options performed best? 

  7. How are you using data to optimize your campaigns?

  8. Did your campaign attract a fresh audience who might return for future purchases?

  9. Did they become loyal customers who return for repeat purchases?

  10. How can you leverage marketing technology and tools to optimize your campaigns?

Unsure about the current performance of your ads? Let's get you the insight you need with a free ad health checkup here!


Analyzing the data in context of your overall marketing goals and target audience.

Comparing results to previous Mother's Day campaigns or industry benchmarks to point improvement areas.

Staying informed about the latest e-commerce marketing trends and best practices.

By analyzing your Mother's Day marketing campaign data, you can:

  • Identify what worked well and what didn't.

  • Uncover areas for improvement.

  • Make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

  • Optimize your marketing strategy to achieve better results.


Remember, analyzing your marketing campaigns is an ongoing process. Regularly evaluate your performance and make adjustments as needed to ensure you're maximizing your marketing ROI.

Our Mother's Day 2024 preparations come to an end with this blog post. Now that you've learned the intricacies of boosting your e-commerce sales, you can head to Google and search for "best gift ideas for Mother's Day."

I hope this Mother's Day Marketing Guide for E-commerce has been insightful and actionable. May your marketing endeavors continue to flourish throughout the year. Happy Marketing!


Enhencer Team 

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