Father's Day E-Commerce Advertising: Trends and Best Practices

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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E-commerce AI


How to run a successful Father's Day campaign for an online store is a question on every e-commerce marketer's mind. And targeting Father's Day shoppers online and crafting effective Father's Day advertising for e-commerce are crucial points in this fruitful period. With the Enhencer blog series, we will explore both Father's Day paid advertising strategies and organic marketing tactics to maximize reach. In the following articles, we will also explore Facebook Ad Marketing, performance marketing, and Google Ads. Let's start with a general overview.

Father's Day E-Commerce Advertising: Trends and Best Practices

Winning Strategies for Father's Day Sales: A General Overview  

The Mother's Day e-commerce excitement was over in the blink of an eye. But of course, our work is still ongoing here. Brace yourselves, e-commerce businesses; Father's Day is galloping towards us faster than a kid on a new bike! 

Since COVID-19, businesses are all about using data to make smart choices. 

In 2023, total spending for Father’s Day was $22.9B, and the percentage celebrating was %75, according to the data from the National Retail Federation. It translates to a 75% increase in searches for “online gifts.” Since budget is not a primary concern for many people, Father's Day is a golden opportunity for e-commerce businesses to connect with a specific yet diverse audience. It’s also a happy day for local/small businesses. (NRF)

So, if you are looking for Father's Day marketing strategies for online stores, stay tuned for our blog series packed with tips and tricks to make this Father's Day your most profitable one yet!

Let’s start with the first rule of any marketing play: nothing less than better targeting


If you’re looking for ways to increase e-commerce sales on Father's Day, the first secret lies in understanding your audience. Who are the gift-givers, what are they searching for, and how can you get your products in front of them?

Surprise! It turns out moms (and other women) are the real stars of Father's Day shopping, just like dads often spend more on their partners for Valentine's Day. Don't waste time picturing dads picking their own gifts - it's the women who are making the decisions on Father’s Day.

Here's the trick: Make sure your advertising reaches the right audience. Split your marketing campaigns and tailor your message to the people shopping for Dad, not Dad himself.

Let’s have a closer look at Father's Day insights for e-commerce. Here's a deep dive into the demographics of Father's Day shoppers, including age, interests, spending habits, and online behavior… 


  • Millennials (25-44 years old): According to the NRF, the 35-44 age group historically holds the record for the highest average Father's Day spending. And in 2024, this trend is expected to continue, with Millennials leading the charge and contributing significantly to the total market share. These Netflix & chill champions are tech-savvy, value experiences alongside tangible products, and are likely to research online before making a decision for their Father’s Day gift. 

  • Gen X (45-64 years old): The "MTV Ruined My Life" generation also holds significant spending power for Father's Day. They tend to focus on practical and functional gifts but may also be swayed by sentimental items. When I say "sentimental item," what comes to mind first? Maybe it's one of the best choices for your dad, something you never thought of before.

  • Gen Z (18-24 years old): The meme generation is increasingly participating in Father's Day celebrations in a budget-conscious way. They're all about finding unique and personalized gifts that their dads will love, proving that "All Too Well" thought-out presents never go out of style.


  • Tech Enthusiasts: Many dads are interested in gadgets and technology. Consider offering Father's Day deals on electronics, smart home devices, or subscriptions to streaming services.

  • Sports Fans: Targeting sports fans with team-specific merchandise, sporting equipment, or event tickets can be a winning strategy. (Perhaps that was always the case.)

  • DIY Dads: Many fathers enjoy home improvement projects. Stock up on tools, hardware supplies, or subscriptions to online DIY resources.

  • Grill Masters: Grilling equipment, gourmet food options, or subscriptions to meal kits can be enticing choices for dads who love to cook.

Spending Habits

  • Average Spend on Father’s Day: An average spend of almost $200 per person celebrating Father's Day. However, remember that some shoppers will spend significantly more depending on their budget and the type of gift they're looking for.

  • Value-Conscious Shoppers: While some push the boat out on Father's Day, many shoppers prioritize value. So, think of offering bundled packages, discounts, or promotions to attract these customers.

  • Experience Seekers: The trend of gifting experiences alongside traditional presents continues to grow. Cater to this trend with deals on weekend getaways, concert tickets, or personalized outings.

Online Behavior

  • Mobile-First Shopping: Most Father's Day purchases happen online, with mobile devices playing a crucial role. Ensure your website and online store are mobile-friendly to provide a seamless shopping experience.

  • Research & Reviews: Dads and gift-givers often research products online before making a purchase. Optimize your product descriptions, include high-quality visuals, and encourage customer reviews to build trust.

  • Social Media Influence: Social media plays a significant role in influencing buying decisions. Consider influencer marketing partnerships or leveraging social media platforms to showcase your Father's Day offerings.


You can effectively engage people during the Father's Day season by creating well-rounded content that attracts your target audience's interests and needs.

  1. Content Strategy 

     Blog Posts

  • Decide the target audience for Father’s Day blog posts: Create specific buyer personas for your target audience and tailor blog posts to their interests and needs (for example: “Top 10 Gifts for Nature Lover Dads" or "Affordable Father's Day Gift Ideas for Students).

  • Theme Ideas for Father’s Day Blog Posts: Explore gift guides, product reviews, DIY project ideas, sentimental stories about fatherhood, and humorous takes on dad life. It depends on your company's unique marketing strategy and of course future goals.

     Social Media Content

  • Best Platforms for Father’s Day Marketing: Utilize platforms like InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest to share engaging content like short videos showcasing products in use, infographics about Father's Day statistics, and user-generated content. 

  • Boost Engagement: Encourage interaction through polls, quizzes, and questions that spark conversation about Father's Day traditions and gift ideas.

     Email Newsletters

  • Segmentation: Segment your email list by demographics and interests to send targeted newsletters with relevant product recommendations, exclusive Father's Day promotions, and heartwarming stories about dads.

  • Call to Action: Include clear calls to action, such as Shop Now buttons or links to specific Father's Day gift guides on your website. 

  1. Content Formats 

      Gift Guides

  • Curated Collections: Create curated gift guides categorized by interests (e.g., "Top Tech Gadgets for Dads Who Love Innovation"), budgets (e.g., "Affordable Father’s Day Gifts Under $50"), or recipient types (e.g., "The Perfect Father’s Day Gift Ideas for Retired Fathers").

  • Partnerships: Consider partnering with other brands to offer bundled gift packages or special Father’s Day deals.

     Product Reviews

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  • Focus on Dad-Centric Products: Highlight features and benefits that cater to dads’ specific needs and wants. Include high-quality visuals, user reviews, and comparison charts to help customers make informed decisions.

     Inspirational Stories

  • Highlight the Importance of Fatherhood: Share real-life stories about dads and their families to spark emotional connections with your audience.


  • Lighthearted Content: Create relatable and humorous content about fatherhood that resonates with your target audience. Utilize memes, funny anecdotes, or lighthearted illustrations.

     Visual Content

  • High-Quality Images & Videos: Utilize professional photography and videography to showcase your products appealingly.

  • Product Demonstration: Create short videos demonstrating how to use your products or showcasing their benefits for dads.


1. Audience Segmentation

  • Customer Data: Utilize data points like demographics, purchase history, past campaign engagement, and website behavior to segment your email list.

  • Buyer Personas: Develop detailed buyer personas representing your ideal Father's Day customers. Consider factors like age, interests, family structure, and budget.

  • Targeted Messaging: Craft email content and offers that resonate with each segment's needs and preferences.

2. Loyalty Programs & Special Offers

  • Reward Programs: Offer exclusive discounts and promotions to loyal customers who have purchased from you in the past.

  • Personalized Recommendations: Based on purchase history, recommend Father's Day gifts that complement past purchases or cater to the recipient's interests.

  • Early Access: Provide loyal customers with early access to new products or limited-edition Father's Day collections.

  • Gift-Giving Incentives: Offer bonus points or rewards for purchasing Father's Day gifts through your email campaigns.

3. Compelling Email Subject Lines

  • Personalization: Integrate customer names or relevant information into subject lines to grab attention and make the email feel more personal. “Hi Olivia, Give Dad the Perfect Gift This Year!"

  • Sense of Urgency: Create a sense of urgency by highlighting limited-time offers or low stock availability. "Don't Miss Out! Exclusive Father's Day Deals Here"

  • Curiosity & Intrigue: Spark curiosity with questions or statements that lead readers to open the email. "Unlock the Secret to Dad's Perfect Present"

  • Action-Oriented Language: Use clear calls to action that encourage readers to click through your website. "Shop Now: Father's Day Gifts He'll Love!"


1. Finding the Right Influencers

  • Niche Targeting: Identify influencers within your specific industry or niche who cater to your target audience's interests.

  • Brand Alignment: Select influencers whose values and personalities resonate with your brand's overall message.

  • Audience Demographics: Ensure the influencer's follower base closely resembles your target customer base regarding age, interests, and family dynamics.

  • Engagement Rate: Prioritize influencers with a high engagement rate, indicating their audience actively interacts with their content.

2. Crafting Engaging Campaigns

making fathers day ads
  • Focus on Authenticity:  Avoid generic endorsements. Develop creative concepts that authentically integrate your products into the influencer's existing content style. 

  • Highlight Father's Day Benefits: Showcase how your offerings enhance the lives of dads and their families.

  • Focus on Storytelling: Utilize storytelling elements to connect with viewers on an emotional level.

  • Call to Action: Include clear calls to action encouraging viewers to learn more about your brand or purchase your Father's Day offerings.

  • Content Variety:  Explore different content formats like product reviews, tutorials, gift guides, and behind-the-scenes glimpses featuring dads.


Ready, Set, Sell Out!

With a clear understanding of your target audience and a strategic content marketing plan in place, let's leverage the power of paid advertising to supercharge your Father's Day sales!

1. Targeted Outreach

2. Crafting Compelling Ad Campaigns

  • Don't just list features. Showcase heartwarming moments dads share with families. A picture (or video) is worth a thousand words!

  • Highlight how your products enhance dads' lives. Does your gadget make grilling easier? Show dads chilling while dinner cooks itself!

  • Professional photos and videos showcasing your products in an appealing way are essential. Make people stop scrolling and say "Wow!"

3. Paid Advertising Tricks

  • Target users actively searching for Father's Day gifts with keyword-based Google Ads campaigns. Be there the moment the search query is typed!

  • Leverage Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Pinterest Ads to reach a broad audience with engaging visuals and targeted messaging. Make them swipe right on your Father's Day deals!

  • Partner with relevant websites to display targeted ads across the web, reaching potential customers who haven't begun their Father's Day shopping yet. Get in front of them before they even know they need a gift!

4. Retargeting 

Reconnect with website visitors who haven't converted yet. Show them targeted ads featuring products they browsed or remind them of abandoned carts. Capture those almost-sales!

5. Track & Analyze for Success

Keep a close eye on the performance of your paid campaigns. See what's working and what's not. Optimize your campaigns based on data to maximize your return on investment (ROI). Make sure your ad spend is paying off big time!


Last-minute scramble or early bird bonanza? Which type of Father's Day shopper are YOU targeting? 

Father's Day also presents a unique challenge for e-commerce businesses, catering to both the perfectionist planners and the last-minute dashers. Here's a breakdown of campaign timing strategies for the Father’s Day e-commerce campaign beyond the early bird vs. last-minute binary, helping you find the sweet spot for your target audience.

1. The Super Planners (8+ weeks before Father's Day)

Target Audience: Highly organized shoppers, those seeking custom-made gifts with long lead times or individuals planning elaborate celebrations.

Strategy: Secure a loyal customer base by catering to their meticulous planning. Offer pre-order options for limited-edition Father's Day products. Highlight benefits like personalized consultations or custom gift creation services.

Content Ideas

  • Blog posts with DIY project ideas or gift guides that require advanced planning.

  • Targeted social media ads showcasing unique, custom-made products.

  • Email marketing campaigns promoting pre-order options and early bird discounts.

2. The Early Birds (4-6 weeks before Father's Day)

Target Audience: Organized shoppers who like to plan ahead, those seeking unique gifts, or individuals with international shipping needs.


  • Capture a larger share of the gift-giving budget before it's depleted.

  • Offer early bird discounts or promotions to incentivize purchases.

  • Highlight benefits like "guaranteed on-time delivery" for peace of mind.

  • Showcase curated product collections or gift guides for inspiration.

Content Ideas

  • Blog posts with gift ideas categorized by recipient type.

  • Email marketing campaigns promoting early bird deals.

  • Social media content featuring product features and benefits.

  • Influencer partnerships showcasing gift ideas to their engaged followers.

3. The Mid-Season Climbers (2-4 weeks before Father's Day):

Target Audience: Shoppers who start planning closer to the date, those seeking inspiration or browsing for ideas.


  • Capture a growing sense of urgency as Father's Day approaches.

  • Offer gift guides specifically tailored to remaining shopping days.

  • Highlight in-stock products and readily available gift options.

Content Ideas

  • Social media posts showcasing quick and easy DIY gift ideas.

  • Email blasts featuring "Top Father's Day Gifts Still Available" collections.

  • Live chat support to assist customers with product recommendations.

4. The Last-Minute Scramblers (1-2 weeks before Father's Day):

Target Audience: Busy shoppers who wait until the last minute, those looking for quick and easy gift solutions, or individuals needing express shipping.


  • Capture impulse purchases and last-minute shopping sprees.

  • Offer express shipping options or same-day pickup for convenience.

  • Highlight "fast and easy" gift ideas or one-click purchase options.

Content Ideas

  • Social media ads promoting quick shipping and express delivery.

  • Email blasts showcasing "last-minute gift ideas" or curated collections.

  • Live chat support to assist customers with urgent purchase decisions.

5. The Post-Father's Day Wind-Down (Week after Father's Day)

Target Audience: Customers who might have missed the occasion or those looking for post-celebration gifts.


  • Capture potential missed sales opportunities.

  • Offer post-Father's Day discounts or clearance sales.

  • Highlight products suitable for upcoming birthdays or other occasions.

Content Ideas

  • Social media posts featuring "Father's Day Gift Ideas".

  • Email marketing campaigns promoting post-Father's Day deals and gift suggestions.

Remember that the ideal timing strategy depends on your target audience and product offerings. Consider a multi-pronged approach, leveraging different tactics throughout the pre-Father's Day period.


This blog series unlocks the secrets to boosting online sales with targeted advertising and creative content marketing. We delved into both paid advertising strategies and organic reach tactics to ensure your message reaches every gift-giver on this father’s day. Stay tuned for deep dives into specific strategies like Google Ads and performance marketing – coming soon!

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