Best Practices for Facebook Ad Retargeting

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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No doubt about it—retargeting ads for e-commerce are pretty darn impactful. They bring your potential customers back, significantly boosting your conversion rates. In fact, retargeting ads are 76% more likely to be clicked than regular ads. So, let’s delve deeper into the world of Facebook (Meta) Ads Retargeting!

Best Practices for Facebook Ad Retargeting


Welcome to the world of Facebook Ad Retargeting!

If you're in e-commerce, you know how crucial it is to turn those casual browsers into loyal customers.

Actually, we all have a general understanding of what is retargeting, but we may not have been able to put a name to it yet. Let me put it this way:

You’re scrolling through an online store, adding a few items to your cart, but then life happens, and you leave the site without completing the purchase. Later, while you’re scrolling, there it is—a targeted ad for that exact item you were just about to buy.

In this blog, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about Facebook Ad Retargeting. We’ll cover what it is, how it works, and why it’s essential for increasing your sales.

What is Facebook Ad Retargeting?

Facebook Ad Retargeting is all about leveraging those past interactions to boost future sales. And that’s how:

Retargeting Ads on Facebook allows you to reconnect with users who have previously visited your website or engaged with your content but didn’t complete a desired action, probably a purchase.

It’s a clever way to remind your potential new customers about what they are interested in, keeping your products fresh in their minds. And it's far more cost-effective than investing in billboard advertising to achieve the same effect.

Now, what’s this about the Retargeting Audience on Facebook?

Well, it’s all about creating specific groups of users based on their interactions with your brand. For example, if someone checked out your sunglasses but left without buying them, you can target them with ads featuring those shades or similar options.

This way, you’re speaking directly to customer interests.

With tools like the Facebook Pixel, tracking user behavior and creating targeted audiences is easier than ever. This means you can maximize your ad budget while reaching out to people who already know and like your brand. It’s like hitting the easy button for conversions!

How Does Facebook Retargeting Work?

Alright, let’s get into the details of how Facebook retargeting’s working principle.

First up, you’ll want to set up the Facebook Pixel. It collects data on visitors' actions—like what they view, add to their cart, or even buy.

Once the Pixel is in place, it starts gathering insights. When someone visits your site, it helps to create retargeting audiences based on behavior. For example, if someone checked out a pair of running shoes but didn’t hit “buy,” you can send a reminder ad featuring those exact shoes, maybe even with a discount.

Why Should You Use Facebook Retargeting for E-Commerce?

In the world of online sales, we all know that not every visitor is ready to buy on their first visit, and that’s okay! Retargeting ads will give them a little encouragement to get back to your site.

At the end of the day, retargeting ads can significantly increase your conversion rates. When someone sees an ad for a product they’ve already looked at, they’re much more likely to click and make that purchase.

It’s not just about getting eyes on your products; it’s about getting those eyes to take action.

In short, running a Facebook retargeting campaign is a smart move to boost your sales and turn those “maybe laters” into “definitely nows.”

What is the Minimum Audience for Facebook Retargeting?

Size does matter. When it comes to Facebook retargeting.

To run effective retargeting campaigns, you typically need a minimum audience size of around 20 to 30 people. This may seem small, but it’s crucial for ensuring your ads reach enough potential customers to be effective.

Why is this minimum audience important?

Well, if your audience is too small, your ads might not get the exposure they need. Plus, Facebook’s algorithms prefer to work with a larger pool of users to optimize ad delivery.

Having that minimum audience allows Facebook to gather data and serve your ads to the right people, increasing the likelihood of conversions. So, as you set up your retargeting strategy, aim for that sweet spot of audience size to maximize your campaign's success.

Top 10 Best Practices for Facebook Retargeting Campaigns

Here’s the list of top best practices to enhance your Facebook retargeting strategy & boost conversions.

  1. Utilize Dynamic Facebook Retargeting Ads
  2. Segment Your Audiences
  3. Integrate AI Remarketing Strategies
  4. Optimize Your Ad Formats
  5. Leverage Compelling Creative
  6. Use Clear and Engaging CTAs
  7. Test and Refine Your Campaigns
  8. Monitor Frequency and Timing
  9. Create Tailored Landing Pages
  10. Analyze and Adjust Based on Performance

Now, let's explain each of these ten items one by one, so we can better understand why each of them made the list of best practices.

1. Utilize Dynamic Facebook Retargeting Ads

Dynamic ads automatically show the right products to people who have expressed interest in them, whether they’ve viewed a specific item or added it to their cart. This level of personalization increases the chances of conversion.

In addition to the effect on conversion rates, dynamic ads can increase website traffic, save time and effort, reach potential customers through dynamic retargeting, redirect users to the purchase funnel, convey tailored messages to customers, create targeted campaigns, and capture additional traffic.

2. Segment Your Audiences

Not all visitors are created equal.

By segmenting audiences based on behavior—like those who abandoned their cart versus those who just browsed—you can tailor your ads to resonate more deeply. This makes your messaging more relevant and engaging, which is key to increasing conversions.

Audience segmentation for Facebook retargeting also results in higher engagement rates, optimized ad spending, enhanced customer insights, and a personalized user experience, all of which contribute to a more effective advertising strategy.

3. Integrate AI Remarketing Strategies

Using AI for Facebook Ads Retargeting allows you to automate and optimize your campaigns efficiently, making sure you’re always reaching the right audience with the right message.

But how?

AI Ads can take your retargeting to the next level by analyzing user behavior patterns and predicting what products might interest them most.

Integrating AI into remarketing strategies really takes the cake! Why?

Because instead of sticking to basic audience segments, AI Advertising dives deep into user behavior, spotting patterns and predicting what products will grab their attention.

So, when someone sees your online ad on Facebook, it’s not just a random selection; it’s tailored to their specific interests right when they’re most likely to buy.

This kind of personalization is pretty darn impactful. AI makes your retargeting smarter and more effective, leading to higher conversion rates, increased customer engagement, and improved ROI.

Using AI Remarketing for Facebook Ads, you can also notice potential business outcomes like a significant boost in sales and a reduction in customer acquisition costs. Plus, your KPIs, such as CTR and return on ad spend, will show impressive improvements.

4. Optimize Your Ad Formats

Switching up your ad formats can work wonders for grabbing attention!

Whether it's carousel ads showcasing multiple products or eye-catching video ads, visuals make all the difference. People are naturally drawn to dynamic content, so experiment with different formats to see what resonates best with your audience.

5. Leverage Compelling Creative

Your ad creative should be eye-catching and aligned with your brand’s voice. Use high-quality images and engaging copy that resonates with your audience’s interests. Remember, you want your ads to stand out in a crowded feed!

6. Use Clear and Engaging CTAs

Make it easy for your audience to know what to do next. A clear call-to-action (CTA) directs users to take the desired step, whether it’s “Shop Now” or “Get 10% Off Today.” The right CTA can significantly impact your conversion rates.

7. Test and Refine Your Campaigns

Regularly testing different elements—like headlines, visuals, and audience segments—helps you find out what works best. Use A/B testing to compare variations and continually refine your approach for better results.

8. Monitor Frequency and Timing

Keep an eye on how often your ads are shown to the same users.

Too many impressions can lead to ad fatigue, while too few may not be effective. Finding the right balance is crucial for maintaining user interest.

9. Create Tailored Landing Pages

Ensure that your landing pages match the content of your ads. A seamless experience from ad to landing page helps reduce bounce rates and improves conversion chances. If someone clicks on an ad for a specific product, they should land directly on that product page.

10. Analyze and Adjust Based on Performance

Finally, always analyze your campaign performance. Look at metrics like click-through rates, conversions, and ROI to see what’s working and what isn’t. Use this data to make informed adjustments, ensuring your campaigns stay effective.

How to Create Facebook Retargeting Audiences?

Alright, let’s get down to business—setting up Facebook Custom Audiences for retargeting!

It might sound a bit techy, but trust me, it's simpler than you think. This is where Facebook gives you the power to reconnect with people who’ve already loved you back. No need to start from scratch, you’ve already got their attention.

Step 1: Dive into Custom Audiences

Facebook’s Custom Audiences feature lets you create groups based on people’s actions—like visiting your website, adding items to their cart, or engaging with your social media content. This gives you a focused group of potential buyers that you can target with ads that matter.

Step 2: Segment Your Audience Like a Pro

Not everyone who visits your site is at the same stage of the buying process.

Some are ready to buy, while others are still just browsing. Segmenting audience—cart abandoners, past buyers, or even frequent visitors—allows you to tailor your ads to fit where they are in the journey.

Step 3: Create Retargeting Ads

Once you’ve got your audience, it’s time to create your ads. You can get specific here. For instance, show users the exact product they added to their cart, or offer them a discount to encourage them toward completing their purchase.

Facebook Ads Retargeting Strategies That Work

When it comes to retargeting on Facebook, there are a few key strategies that can make all the difference. Let’s break down three popular ones that are super effective for e-commerce 👇

Abandoned Cart Retargeting

Ever added something to your cart and then left without buying it?

This strategy targets those who came this close to buying but didn’t quite make it. Show them a reminder of what they left behind—maybe even with a small discount to sweeten the deal.


Upselling is all about offering customers a better version or upgrade of what they’re already interested in. For example, if someone bought a basic version of a product, you can retarget them with ads promoting premium features or accessories.


Cross-selling suggests related products that complement what your customer has already purchased or shown interest in. Let’s say someone bought a laptop; you could retarget them with ads for a matching laptop bag or a wireless mouse.

Remember: To get the most out of these strategies, focus on timing and personalization. Send abandoned cart reminders within a day or two, and make sure your upsell and cross-sell suggestions feel relevant.

Improving Conversion Rates with Facebook Ad Retargeting

Boosting your conversion rates through Facebook retargeting isn’t as tricky as it might seem. A few simple tweaks can make a big difference.

First off, make sure your Call to Actions (CTAs) are strong and clear.

Instead of just “Learn More,” try something more direct, like “Get Your Deal Today.” This creates a sense of urgency, directing people to take action.

Next, experiment with A/B testing.

Run two versions of your ads to see which one performs better—maybe one has a different headline, or another features a special offer. It’s all about finding what resonates most with your audience.

And don’t forget the power of AI Remarketing.

AI can help you deliver the right message at the perfect moment, automatically adjusting based on user behavior. This means smarter targeting and, ultimately, more conversions without the guesswork.


So, there you have it—Facebook Ad Retargeting is your secret weapon in the e-commerce world!

By using the right strategies, like segmenting your audiences and bringing AI Ads into the mix, you can create ads that speak directly to your customers’ needs. It’s all about keeping your brand top-of-mind and making it super easy for them to return. Don’t hesitate to try out different ad formats and A/B test your campaigns; after all, that’s where the magic happens.

And if you’re ready to take it a step further, why not experiment with AI-driven ads?

Dive in and see how they can enhance your retargeting efforts. If you have questions or want to share your own wins with retargeting, we’d love to discuss.

Schedule a discovery meeting with the Enhencer AI Ads team!

Scale your Shopify E-commerce with AI Ads & the World’s first AI Audience.