What is Remarketing and How Does It Boost E-Commerce Sales?

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

Leyla Ezgi Dinc

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7 Mins

E-commerce AI


Who can resist a second chance at something they almost loved? This is exactly what remarketing is built upon as a marketing strategy. In this blog, we’ve covered everything you need to know about remarketing. Enjoy reading!

What is Remarketing and How Does It Boost E-Commerce Sales?

What is Remarketing in Digital Marketing?

Ever browsed an online store, clicked on a product you liked, then left without buying anything?

And then, a few days later, you see an ad for that exact product pop up somewhere else? That’s remarketing in action!

Remarketing is a digital marketing strategy that helps businesses reconnect with people who have already shown interest in their products or services.

Whether someone visited your website, added an item to their cart, or clicked on an ad, remarketing allows you to target them again with personalized advertising tricks, encouraging them to complete the action they started.

The magic of remarketing is staying visible.

You don’t want potential customers to forget about you, especially when they’re this close to buying. Sometimes, all it takes is a perfectly timed reminder for someone to say, “Alright, I’ll go for it!”

How Does Remarketing Work?

Here’s how it works: when you visit a website, a small piece of code called a cookie is placed on your browser - it’s like a little tracker that lets the website know, “Hey, this person showed interest.”

Once that cookie is in place, the remarketing begins. As you browse other sites or scroll through social media platforms like Facebook, the remarketing system uses that cookie to serve you ads that are tailored to what you looked at earlier.

Remarketing is all about keeping that product fresh in your mind, reminding you of what you liked.

The beauty of this process is that it’s super targeted. You’re not just blasting ads out to random people—remarketing focuses on those who’ve already shown interest. I probably don't need to explain the impact of remarketing on business outcomes. With a bit of reasoning, it's not hard to guess which key performance metrics this strategy would visibly improve.

Is There a Difference Between Remarketing vs Retargeting?

Might’ve heard both "remarketing" and "retargeting" thrown around, and maybe you’ve wondered: are they the same thing? The short answer is... kind of!

Remarketing and retargeting are often used interchangeably, but there’s a subtle difference actually. Remarketing usually refers to re-engaging people through email marketing. For example, when someone abandons their cart, you send them a friendly reminder email, hoping they’ll complete their purchase.

On the other hand, retargeting tends to involve ads.

It’s all about using those cookies we talked about earlier to show personalized ads to people who’ve interacted with your brand but haven’t quite sealed the deal.

So, while they share the same goal—getting people back on track to convert—the methods are slightly different. Whether you’re using an email reminder or a well-placed ad, both strategies are powerful ways to stay on your customer’s radar.

In practice, most people use these terms as if they’re the same thing, so don’t stress too much. Just focus on which tool works best for your business goals, whether that’s a “Hey, don’t forget about this!” email or AI Remarketing.

What is Remarketing in Google Ads?

So, how does Google Ads fit into all of this? Well, Google Ads offers one of the most powerful platforms for remarketing. With Google, you can reach people not only on Google search but also across millions of websites that are part of the Google Display Network.

For example, someone visits your online store and checks out a few products. They leave without buying anything. With Google Ads, you can show them an ad for those exact products while they’re reading their favorite blog or watching a video on YouTube.

One neat feature of Google Ads is dynamic remarketing. This takes things up a notch by automatically tailoring the ads based on the exact products or services people viewed.

Plus, Google gives you the flexibility to set frequency caps so you don’t overdo it. Nobody wants to be bombarded by the same ad ten times a day, this is also bad for you since it probably results in banner blindness.

Google Ads makes it super easy to stay visible without being annoying, which is the sweet spot when it comes to remarketing.

What is Remarketing in Facebook Ads?

Now let’s talk about Facebook Ads, another major player when it comes to remarketing. Facebook offers a highly effective platform to reconnect with people who’ve shown interest in your brand.

Just like with Google, Facebook uses tracking tools (like the Facebook Pixel) to help you serve personalized ads to those who’ve already interacted with your website or app.

For example, someone might browse through your online store, like a product, but decide to leave before making a purchase. With Facebook Ads, you can pop up in their feed later with a well-timed ad showing that exact product they were eyeing.

One of Facebook’s superpowers is its custom audiences feature. You can create a custom audience based on various actions, like people who visited certain pages, added items to their cart, or engaged with your posts. This allows you to get ultra-specific with your remarketing efforts, targeting only the most relevant people.

Plus, Facebook Ads offers lookalike audiences, which helps you reach people who are similar to those who’ve already shown interest. This means not only are you reminding previous visitors about your products, but you’re also reaching new potential customers who share similar traits with your existing audience.

Just like Google, Facebook allows you to set limits on how many times someone sees your ad to avoid overwhelming them. After all, no one likes seeing the same ad every time they scroll through their feed.

Remarketing Examples

These brands nailed it with clever strategies that brought shoppers back for round two!

1. Amazon’s “You Left Something Behind” Campaign

Ah, Amazon—the king of reminders!

If you’ve ever added something to your cart and then ghosted the site, you know what’s coming next: a friendly email nudging you with “Don’t forget this!” Plus, they often throw in a little urgency, reminding you that your coveted item might vanish soon. Talk about a classic “You snooze, you lose” move!

2. Airbnb’s Personalized Ads

Airbnb knows how to keep dreams alive.

If you’ve scrolled through charming listings for a cozy Parisian apartment and didn’t book, you might find yourself daydreaming while seeing those same listings pop up on your social feeds. Their dynamic ads show you exactly what you were eyeing, complete with stunning visuals that make you go.

3. Nike’s Multi-Channel Remarketing Approach

Nike takes remarketing to the next level by playing in all the right spaces—Google, Facebook, Instagram—you name it.

If you’ve peeked at their latest kicks but didn’t grab them, don’t be shocked when they pop up everywhere you scroll. Their ads are not just about the products; they showcase cool lifestyles and emotions that make you feel connected to the brand. At this point, I recommend reading our blog post that explains how big brands like Nike integrate artificial intelligence into their marketing strategies.

4. Booking.com’s Urgency-Focused Remarketing

Last but not least, let’s talk about Booking.com.

They’ve mastered the art of urgency! If you’ve browsed their site for the perfect hotel but left without booking, their ads remind you that rooms are disappearing fast. With phrases like “Only a few left!” or “Prices going up soon!” they hit you with that classic FOMO.

It’s a playful push that makes you think, “I need to grab that before it’s gone!”

What is the Importance of Remarketing for Shopify & E-commerce?

Remarketing enhances conversions by keeping your brand front and center in customers’ minds—kind of like that catchy jingle you can't shake off.

It also fosters customer retention by encouraging repeat visits and turning casual browsers into loyal fans. By targeting individuals who’ve already shown interest, your ads are more likely to hit the mark, leading to a better return on investment that would make any accountant proud.

Ultimately, remarketing is about nurturing relationships and staying visible, making it as easy as pie for customers to waltz back in and complete their purchases.

Because who can resist a second chance at something they almost loved?

How to Use AI in Remarketing?

Let’s dive into how AI can make your remarketing efforts even better.

What Is AI Remarketing?

AI remarketing is all about using smart technology to target people who’ve already shown interest in your products. Unlike traditional remarketing, which often casts a wide net, AI gets personal. It tailors the experience by reminding potential customers of what caught their eye, making it much more likely they’ll come back to buy.

How Does AI Make Remarketing Easier?

With AI, you can automate the nitty-gritty of tracking user behavior and optimizing your ads. This means you can spend less time stressing over campaigns and more time doing what you love.

AI tools can also optimize ad placements and content in real-time, ensuring you’re hitting the right audience at just the right moment. And yes, that’s the real trick behind remarketing: pinpoint targeting.

What Results Can You Expect with AI Remarketing?

Brands that embrace AI Ads in their remarketing strategies often see a nice boost in engagement and sales. By focusing on folks who already know and like your brand, and personalizing ads based on their past interactions, you make it way easier for them to return and finish what they started. This targeted approach typically leads to a better return on investment compared to the traditional route.

Why Choose AI Ads for Your Business?

AI Ads offer a winning combo of effective targeting and automation that can really elevate your remarketing efforts. You’ll build stronger connections with potential customers while boosting your ROI. And since AI continuously learns and adapts, your campaigns can get smarter over time.

Ready to Dive Into AI for Remarketing?

Now it’s your turn! Think about how you can weave AI into your remarketing strategy to turn curious visitors into loyal customers. Let’s team up and make those sales happen!

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