How Enhencer addressed the ROAS problem of UcuzKitapAl

Who is Ucuzkitapal?

Ucuzkitapal was established in 2007, providing a collection of books from many different publishing firms. With its diverse products, it serves a range of book genres. Satisfying people’s tastes ranging from fiction to academic books for the students. The customers can find countless books and different authors/publishers under the category of culture and specific academic exams. Ucuzkitapal aims to offer these products at the most affordable prices possible so that the mission of "connecting with books" can be brought to everyone.


Click Through Rate

Enhencer dynamic product ads


Return On Ad Spend

Facebook Remarketing Campaign

What was the Problem?

Since there are many products, their prices vary, such as book sets have a much higher value than a reading book. According to Shift Digital, their digital agency, most of the sales came from the good bargain categories; they could not sell the higher-priced products. It resulted in high conversion, but because the basket average of the products was low, it did not bring much revenue.

How did Enhencer solve the problem?

After a quick GTM integration, Enhencer learned the behavior patterns of website visitors of Ucuzkitapal for a week. Later Enhencer provided the visitors who are more likely to purchase for their advertising campaigns. Enhencer worked on products with a high basket value to address the low revenue in this case. Ucuzkitap reached those Enhencer audiences with the higher-priced books in their ad campaigns. As a result, Enhencer yielded a higher ROAS and revenue than product viewers and add-to-cart, which can be seen in the data shown below:

  • + %50 in terms of ROAS value on average
  • Enhencer dynamic product ads average CTR increased from %1,82 to %4,19.

Would You Recommend Enhencer?

“After the recommendation of our agency, Shift, we decided to give Enhencer a try. It has been increasing our ROAS and revenue for three months using real-time data. Thanks to the Enhencer audience addressing our specific problem, we, as the Ucuzkitapal team, could reach the solution we wanted while serving the customers in line with our purpose.”