How RECETE increased their Facebook Ads revenue by 6X using Enhencer

Who is Recete?

Recete is an online store that sells dermo-cosmetics products with great service and competitive prices. The brand mainly includes care, health, mother/baby, and medical products. They operate on a simple and fluent website design and have remarkably high customer satisfaction.


Facebook Ads Revenue

Facebook Remarketing Campaign


Return On Ad Spend

Facebook Remarketing Campaign



Enhencer Audiences

What We Aim?

They started working with Enhencer through their digital agency Efzen. Enhencer aims to determine the visitors with a high probability of purchasing, which it has determined according to the behaviors with the artificial intelligence algorithm. In this way, Recete will increase their conversion rate by showing thier ad again to visitors who are more likely to purchase something from the website.

The process can be summed up like; We compared both audiences on ads performances for a month to see how the visitors determined by Enhencer would perform compared to all the website visitors.


There were great differences in purchasing tendencies between Enhencer Audience and All Visitors.

40% of Enhencer Audiences that click the ad have added some products to their cart. The AddtoCart/Click rate for the remaining All Visitors is 19%, which allows us to say Enhencer Audience doubled the All Visitor Audience.

  • AddtoCart/Click —> Enhencer 40% - All Visitor 19%

When we look at the Purchase/Click rate, we see that Enhencer audiences perform 3 times better than All Visitors:

  • Purchase/Click —> Enhencer Audiences %3,4 - All Visitor %1,1

These rates show how the Enhencer audiences tend to purchase and how accurately Enhencer identifies visitors to the site according to the probability of purchasing them. When we look at the visitors who clicked the ad, Enhencer Audience performed 2 times higher than All Visitors in adding products to the card. Enhencer Audience performed 3 times more than All Visitors, according to clickers purchasing the product, which is proof of how you can manage more efficient ads when you spend your budget on Enhencer audiences.

As the final result, Enhencer brought when compared to All Visitors:

  • 60% better ROAS
  • 6X Facebook Ads revenue

After the A/B test, Recete brand optimized its budget with the right target audience by targeting Enhencer audiences instead of the AddtoCart audiences or all visitors for remarketing campaigns. In the months that followed, Enhencer audiences continued to perform at very similar numbers, and the brand is actively using Enhencer audiences for higher ROAS and revenue.