About Mydukkan
MYDUKKAN is a fast fashion women's clothing brand that started its e-commerce life in 2014. Mydukkan, which offers affordable clothing products to its customers without sacrificing quality and style, is moving step by step towards becoming a leader in its sector.
- Founded in 2014
- Operation 5 different countries
- Number of employees 100
Facebook Remarketing Campaign
Campaign Revenue
Facebook Remarketing Campaign
Return On Ad Spend
Facebook Remarketing Campaign
Maximizing the Campaign Performance
Mydukkan is an e-commerce brand that produces its own products and has a
high volume of website traffic. They decided to use Enhencer in their online
ad campaigns, and they started with the desire to increase the performance
of their existing advertisements to a higher level. After the brand started
using Enhencer, they started to get results from their advertisements with a
much higher added value, minimum cost, and maximum performance ratio.
Mydukkan, which started to get almost 3 times the performance they
had before Enhencer in remarketing campaigns, needed to work on new user
advertisements via Enhencer as well, and received much better price
performance results than expected from new user sales advertisements created
using Enhencer’s AI-based Audience.
Mydukkan, a famous women's fashion brand in Turkey mostly focuses on
e-commerce. Mydukkan looking to improve its remarketing efficiency and
maximize return on its website visitors. For efficient re-marketing
campaigns, Mydukkan turned to Enhencer to help prioritize their audience.
After Enhencer’s algorithm analyzed visitor behavior, the Mydukkan team
create an A/B test in meta ads to compare Enhencer's audience to a classic
add-to-cart audience. On one side there is an audience created from the last
30 days of add-to-cart data and another side Enhencer audience was created
with the Enhencer algorithm, after 7 days results are remarkable! Enhencer
did get a better result on every aspect of the campaign, not only enhencer
get 2x more ROAS but also more purchases than other campaigns. After
this result, Mydukkan saw Enhencer’s efficiency and immediately change their
re-marketing campaigns with the Enhencer audience. This success story
highlights the power of enhencer in improving the performance of remarketing
campaigns for businesses.
Our client, Mydukkan, saw tremendous success after utilizing the Enhencer
algorithm in their remarketing campaigns. In just 2 weeks, the Enhencer
audience delivered a %15 lower CPR value than other campaigns. This
resulted in a remarkable 2x times increase in purchases and a
staggering nearly 2.5 increase in revenue.
Effectiveness of Enhencer’s algorithm in maximizing the return on
advertising spend for our client.
What’s Next
After the brand saw the result with the Enhencer audience they want to launch another campaign focused on new user acquisition. The approach is to target the lookalike audience of the Enhencer audience through Facebook ads. After the new user acquisition campaign with Enhencer shows better results than other new user campaigns. Enhencer new user campaign not only brings new visitors to the website but also generate more purchase. By incorporating the Enhencer audience into their existing campaigns and target audiences, the brand added another effective channel to their Facebook Ads strategy. This not only improved their digital marketing efforts but also provided incremental benefits to their overall marketing performance.