Connect data with GTM

Including Enhencer script

To start, create a new tag in Google Tag Manager called "Enhencer - All Pages". The type of the tag has to be 'Custom HTML'. Then copy the code below and paste it in the HTML field of the tag. The trigger for this tag has to the Pageview event of all pages.

<script src=''></script>
Connect data collector

Listing page tag

Create a tag called "Enhencer - Listing Page" with type 'Custom HTML'. Add the code below to the HTML field of the tag. Add a trigger that fires on listing page load.

    listingCategory: {listing category goes here}
Add listing page information

Tag sequencing

From the advance settings part below the HTML field, add "Enhener - All Pages" tag to fire before this tag as shown in the image.

tag sequence information

Product page tag

Similarly, create a tag called "Enhencer - Product Page" with 'Custom HTML' type. Add the code snippet to the HTML field. Add a trigger that fires on product detail page load.

    productID: {product id goes here},
    productCategory: {product category goes here},
    price: {product price goes here}

Repeat the procedure for tag sequencing (page 3) add "Enhencer - All Pages" tag to fire before this tag.

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Add to cart tag

Add a new tag called "Enhencer - Add to Cart". Copy the code snippet to the HTML field. Pass the ID of the product that has been added to the cart as parameter. Obviously, the trigger has to fire on 'add to cart/basket' event or button click.

    productID: {product id goes here}
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Purchase tag

The last tag that we have to set up is "Enhencer - Purchase". Again, the tag type has to be 'Custom HTML'. Copy the code to the HTML field. When a purchase completed successfully, the tag has to be fired. Pass the purchase products array as a parameter. Every product has to have id, price and quantity parameters at least.

    products: {purchase products goes here}

Repeat the procedure for tag sequencing (page 3) add "Enhencer - All Pages" tag to fire before this tag. Example for a 'Purchase Products' variable would be:
[{id: 'lw-154', price: 89, quantity: 2}, {id: 'lw-301', price: 45, quantity: 1}]

Ads events

Google Ads event

After completing the configurations above, the events will appear automatically on Facebook Ads panel.
But, for Google Ads, you have to do one last tag configuration on GTM.

Before creating a tag, you have to get your Conversion ID from your Google Ads panel. Go to 'Tools & Settings', select 'Audience Manager'. On the left panel select 'Your data sources', click on 'Details' in the 'Google Ads tag'. At the very bottom, open 'Tag setup' dropdown and select 'Use Google Tag Manager'. You can see your Conversion ID there.

Google Ads event panel

Google Ads Remarketing Tag

Create a tag called "Enhencer - Google Ads" with 'Google Ads Remarketing' type. Paste your Conversion ID in the respective field. Save the tag and ignore the warning.

Next, you need a trigger and the variables for the tag. First, create a trigger called 'Enhencer API Ready' with 'Custom Event' type and enter 'enhencer.ready' in the name field.

Create Enhencer API Ready Trigger

Create variables called 'Enhencer Audience 1', select 'Data Layer Variable' type and enter 'enhencer_audience_1' in the 'Data Layer Variable Name' field. Repeat the same procedure for the other Enhencer Audiences you need, just replace 1 with the audience number (enhencer_audience_2, enhencer_audience_3 etc).

Enhencer audience

Now, return to the tag and in the custom parameters section add variables you have created with with the same names. Select the trigger that you have just created and save the tag.

This configuration will send the variables to your Google Ads panel.

Configure Google Ads Remarketing Tag